Hello, do we have access to Encyclopedia Universalis? Tx.

Looking for essay by Etiemble on "epopee."



Thank you for your question.  Encyclopédie Universalis does not appear to be in our collection.  I did a Worldcat search to determine if any libraries nearby have this title.  I would usually suggest completing an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request:


ILL might not be the best in this situation.  It appears that every library with a copy of this item is located in France.  Encyclopedias are often part of a library's reserve collection and do not circulate (i.e. leave the library).  Policies vary from library to library.  Still an interlibrary loan request might be worth a shot.  I see you reference a specific article you need from Encyclopédie Universalis.  While a library may be hesitant to send a multi-volume encyclopedia set across the Atlantic Ocean, it may be easier to locate specific articles.  Encyclopédie Universalis also has a French language web site which may offer some pertinent information:


Upon closer examination, it appears that Encyclopédie Universalis is published by Encyclopedia Britannica.  Old Westbury Library does have a subscription to Encyclopedia Britannica which offers English language encyclopedia entries:


I searched Encyclopedia Britannica and there is a brief reference to Rene Etiemble which I will email to you.  While I imagine that Encyclopedia Britannica and Encyclopédie Universalis entries are different in some ways, the two items appear to serve similar purposes, albeit in different languages.

Thank you,

Library Reference

  • Last Updated Mar 15, 2017
  • Views 24
  • Answered By Antonia DiGregorio

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