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Name: Meghna Kumar E-mail Address: mkumar2@oldwestbury.edu
Question: I am looking for information with regards to Hindu women and gender theory, however upon searching the two terms there are no results. Is there another method of searching for the two? Would there be a different database that is more suited for this search?
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Hi Meghna! JSTOR will likely give you better results because it does contain Women Studies and also feminist literature. I would also stick to Social Sciences databases such as Sociological Abstracts. ProQuest Central did yield some results for me under those search terms as well. Those are 3 alternate databases I would recommend taking a look at. Make sure to try JSTOR first and when you do place quotations around both terms: "hindu women" and "gender theory".

As for your terms, you can likely break gender theory down into smaller components. Ask yourself what aspects of gender theory are you interested in knowing in regards to Hindu women? Their roles in society? Their treatment in relation to men? The qualities, behaivors that are expected of them? Gender theory has a definitive meaning but is still a broad concept. Try to break it down if you can into bite size components of what you wish to research. 

I did find a lot of articles available in JSTOR under your initial search terms. Start with that and review your results. Later on you can perhaps break down the aspects of gender theory you wish to explore.

I'm hoping some of this information helps. If you need more help use this service again or call the Reference desk at (516) 876-3151.

  • Last Updated Mar 15, 2017
  • Views 30
  • Answered By Jason Kaloudis

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